The reading logs we did in class was a way for us as students to read articles and to consider what they were discussing and to write on them in our own way. There were several readings that pertained to my research paper, but there were other that didn’t. The reading log that didn’t line up with my research can be found under “logs” and they are still important to include in my website as they contributed to my research. Doing those reading logs benefited my research skills and analyzing articles to find exactly what is most useful for my research paper.

You will find the reading logs that pertain most to my research in the menu, as their own posts. These readings log discuss pregnancy, medical experts and indigenous health. The connection these topics have to my research paper is that all of them are crucial to the research of the Medicalization of Childbirth. Indigenous health was important in my research paper as I looked at the “myth of painless childbirth” that was created due to the way indigenous women were experiencing childbirth compared to the misery that European women were experiencing. Medical experts played a significant role in my research as childbirth was no longer seen as a “natural” process and was created into a medical process all because science and education deemed it that way. The research articles on pregnancy gave me a good starting point as to where I needed to go with my research and how doctors overwhelmed the experience of pregnancy and childbirth.